Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fourteenth Adjustment

Today I had a lower incisor re-bracketed. I think it was tooth 25. I wasn't told. I was under the impression that I was going to have more lower anterior teeth re-bracketed. I am not sure what is going on? I called the orthodontist office and left a message to get some answers, due to him racing off to the next patient. During our meeting (last month) I thought this appointment was going to include more. I also thought there would be a little more communication. I am really concerned about this office. I had to tell the Dental Assistant to tie a molar bracket in. It never seems that the orthodontist ever checks the Dental Assistants work. They never seem to know my elastics size (Korea), I always have to tell them. The assistant didn't even talk to the orthodontist, I swear she decided that I should wear elastics. They don't keep you informed and never ask if I have questions (even though I brought this up in my letter). My next appointment is 02/22/2010 at 8:50 AM. See the photos after the adjustment above.

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