Monday, May 24, 2010

Eighteenth Adjustment

Today I had my eighteenth adjustment. I had two brackets repositioned. The first bicuspid on the right side (my right/tooth 28) and the central incisor remaining (tooth 25). I received a new cleat behind tooth 6 (upper arch). I am now wearing Thailand (4 mm Super Heavy 6oz) elastics from the cleat on tooth 6 to 28 to 27. It is a triangle. The replaced the wire on the lower arch (wire size 016). They added a bend the wire to push the back molars on my left side lower arch. They also placed a power chain on my top arch to close a gap that was forming. My next adjustment is in June.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reflections/New Photos

Please note that clicking on photo will enlarge them.

I am posting my photos from today. I just took them. I have an appointment tomorrow. As we are coming near the end. I feel a little disappointed. I don't think I am happy with the results. I know there is some fine tuning to be had, but I really don't have much confidence. I am almost regretting that I went through with this. I hope my feelings change. Anyway... Here are my new pics (above).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dental Cleaning/Exam

On 05/08/2010 at 12:40 PM I had my Dental Cleaning/Exam. My teeth were cleaned and the exam went well. I don't have any cavities or issues.